HAG Capisco: The Chair of the Past That You Need for the Future
For many of us, our work lives have changed. The COVID-19 lockdown has seen the professional landscape switch from traditional office cubicles to makeshift or permanent home setups.
This has been a dream scenario for some, giving the freedom to customise a dream workstation instead of having to settle for company supplied, low-grade, economy office furniture and accessories.
This can be a good thing, as these generic and supposedly ergonomic pieces of office furniture could be destroying your posture; and possibly your health.
Numerous studies have been conducted that have found a myriad of significant health risks from living a sedentary lifestyle. This is particularly of concern when many of us find ourselves sitting at our workstations for eight or more hours a day in fixed positions.
The health risks that have been linked to a sedentary work life include:
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle and joint degeneration
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Cancer
A recent study has shown that to reduce the potential health and mortality risks that accompany long workdays of sitting at a desk; you would need a 60-75 minute exercise block per day to compensate, and that is not to get fit, that is just to maintain basic health.
Doing something about doing nothing
There have been many interventions in ergonomic design and technology over the past few decades; and some of these have been embraced across the global corporate community, including:
- Ergonomic chairs and furniture
- Adjustable standing desks
- Adjustable monitor stands
- Padded flooring
- Company exercise incentives
The main problem with these designs is that they rely on one thing; conscious human intervention. To raise a desk, you have to remember to stand, get up and stretch, all of which takes conscious human effort and intent.
It is somewhat unrealistic for someone to keep track of time, disrupt their workflow, take action, and settle back into productivity. After all, humans are notoriously inconsistent by nature.
Although the science behind a sedentary lifestyle is just starting to receive the traction it desperately requires, the health implications of sitting for long periods have been in discussion for decades. One man who saw the writing on the wall back in the mid-1970s was legendary industrial designer, engineer and jazz musician Peter Opsvik.
Peter set out to change the way we think about sitting, and in 1984, he designed a chair for HÅG, and they released the groundbreaking, one of a kind, ergonomic wonder chair, the Capisco.
Changing how we sit
The idea and philosophy behind his designs were simple; humans are meant to move. The Capisco's unique shapes and functions set out to inspire more movement in the way we naturally rest.
Rather than finding an ergonomic shape the body could comfortably settle into for long periods, the HÅG Capisco sought to allow the body to be a little more intuitive.
Your body sends you messages all the time, and for much of the day, you’ll respond without even noticing. The problem with being bogged down at your job, or fixated on a task, is you tend to ignore these messages.
When you are relaxing on a couch or armchair while watching TV or reading, you will tend to shift around, and change position as requested by your body signals. This generally happens many more times than you notice. This is your body telling you it needs to be worked; it needs to flow and be moved.
A horse rider's saddle inspired the cross-sectioned features that define the seat's famous design. The HÅG Capisco's unique shapes, contours and easily adjustable features allow you to:
- Twist
- Bend
- Slouch
- Lean right
- Lean left
- Lean forward
- Lean back
This flexible configuration allows you to comfortably and naturally adjust your position as your body demands.
You can sit front on, sideways, reverse, lean against, adjust up and down, slide in and out, swivel and recline. You have the capacity for movement in any way your body naturally and intuitively wants to shift, without disrupting your focus and workflow.
Both the seat and backrest utilise this design, allowing complete expression of how your body naturally feels like moving and sitting throughout the day. As the company stated back in 1984, the best way to sit in an HÅG Capisco chair is however you feel.
Old solutions for modern problems
If you are someone that already addressed their work-related health concerns by utilising ergonomic design in their home office, this chair is the ultimate companion for your height adjustable desks or monitor stands.
On top of the superior ergonomic benefits offered by the famous design, you will also be making an ethical, environmental choice.
The new wave of HÅG Capisco chair has been simplified from its original nineteen parts down to six, making it easy to assemble and disassemble and creating less waste in the future. On top of this, the majority of the components are now made from low weight recycled materials.
The Capisco utilises a total of 52% recycled materials; of which 86% of plastic parts and 90% of aluminium parts are recycled; a remarkable and ever-relevant evolution for a product initially designed well over 30-years ago.
The HÅG Capisco really does deliver what it promises on every metric and is well worth the investment moving forward into the home office setup we now find ourselves adjusting to.
This freedom of choice isn't just one of style and convenience but also an opportunity to take control of our health without the pressures of corporate uniformity and compliance, while at the same time making a positive contribution to global waste management.
Being that your new home office furniture is tax-deductible, there has never been a better time to introduce this timeless ergonomic design into your modern lifestyle. It is always important to remember that self-care is essential after all.